Work History
Joshua Shulman

Joshua Shulman

Senior Marketing Manager


I have extensive experience as a versatile demand generation & content marketing professional with a proven record of exceeding OKRs/goals. In total, I have 5+ years of B2B SMB & Start-Up experience with a focus on developing (paid and organic) distribution strategies, content strategy, lead generation, business development & growth.

I especially excel at collaborating with Product, Product Marketing, Sales, Engineering, and Solutions departments on-demand generation campaigns that deliver scaling web traffic, MCLs, MQLs, & SQLs by leveraging full-funnel ABM strategies.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Senior Content & Digital Marketing Manager

Bitmovin Inc.
2021.12 - Current

Managed a Digital Marketing budget of $400k, in turn, I was able to select and facilitate campaign and general marketing distribution strategy that resulted in the following quarterly metrics:

  • 130K Unique Web Visits (10% MoM growth) | 3,600 MCLs | 2,000 MQLs | 600 SQL (Meetings) | $1.5M Pipeline Generated

By leveraging the following responsibilities:

  • Collaborated with the Sales, Marketing, and Product Marketing Leadership to define Bitmovin’s Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)
  • Launched, Developed, and Led Bitmovin’s first Vertical and Product-focused GTM Campaigns based on clearly defined ICPS
  • Created all project plans to ensure the timely delivery of all campaign assets and distribution strategies
  • Selected & coordinated the type of content and the quantity of each asset type to deliver (and exceed) the web traffic and MQL goals of a given campaign
  • Defined the distribution strategy and marketing mix for all campaigns based on ICP
  • Facilitated the acquisition of 1000s of MQLs at an average growth rate of 10-15% MoM using a mix of marketing channels (such as paid & organic social, paid media, email marketing, and SEM)
  • Facilitated the acquisition of 250-300 avg trial sign-ups at an average growth rate of 10-15% MoM
  • Coordinated messaging & website updates to improve conversion to active trials from 1.5% to 10%
  • Managed the Bitmovin Content Editorial calendar (Blogs, PDFs, & Webinars), resulting in: 500+ Unique Web Visits per page | Each blog had a 1-2% avg MCL conversion rate
  • Selected and facilitated campaign and general marketing distribution channels such as email marketing, PPC channels, retargeting, SEO, digital channels, syndication, events and webinars production, social, content, etc…
  • Established and managed a Digital ABM Strategy that included the creation & optimization of Bitmovin’s first lead gen nurture program in collaboration with Marketing Operations, resulting in higher quality (and warmer) leads and thus reducing sales cycles from 6-12 months to 3-9 months that include the
  • Coordinated and owned activities with the 3rd party marketing agencies (including but not limited to: PR, SEO, and Content)
  • Mentored/Managed a small digital marketing team, in addition, I trained all new and incoming marketing team members on Bitmovin’s SOP & Best Practices (1-3 people)

Content & Digital Marketing Manager

Bitmovin Inc.
2021.03 - 2021.12

Managed a Digital Marketing budget of $200k, in turn, I was able to select and facilitate campaign and general marketing distribution strategy that resulted in the following quarterly metrics:

  • 90K Unique Web Visits/Month on avg (5-10% MoM Growth) | 3,000 | 1,000 MQLs/Month avg | 300 SQL/Month (Meetings) | $500K Pipeline Generated

By leveraging the following responsibilities:

  • Work with cross-functional teams to produce product-fit aligned MQL generating content (Webinars & PDFs) that resulted in an average of 750 MCLs per PDF and 200 MQLs per webinar
  • Created, Managed, and Optimized Bitmovin Blog publication machine, including the publication, distribution, and reuse/repurposing of new and old content. Resulting in 5-10& MoM Organic Web Traffic Growth by leveraging High Volume keywords
  • Copywriting emails, blogs, landing pages, ads, and social media posts
  • Enable the development of Bitmovin Demand Generation Funnel
  • Selected and facilitated campaign and general marketing distribution channels such as email marketing, PPC channels, retargeting, SEO, digital channels, syndication, events and webinars production, social, content, etc…
  • Coordinate activities with the 3rd party marketing agencies (including but not limited to: PR, SEO, and Content)
  • Facilitate and Manage Bitmovin’s Content Audit
  • Optimize focused content towards ongoing keyword audits and SEO Best Practices

Digital Marketing Specialist

Bitmovin Inc.
2019.06 - 2021.03
  • Create and manage Bitmovin’s blog & content creation strategy
  • Create and manage Bitmovin’s Paid & Organic social media presence (LinkedIn/Twitter/Instagram)
  • Manage Paid Social Media activity
  • Copywriting emails, blogs, landing pages, ads, and social media posts
  • Owned the email marketing strategy and tactics
  • Create Landing Pages
  • Created, Launched, and Managed Bitmovin’s weekly Newsletter

Marketing Specialist

L’Occitane GmbH
2018.08 - 2018.11
  • Ran a Marketing SWOT analysis for the Austrian franchise owner and CEO to determine positioning and new B2C marketing opportunities (10 Locations) As a result the organization ramped up influencer & customer advocacy marketing programmes
  • Created social media marketing campaign proposals for a monthly cadence following Q3
  • Collaborated with the buying, stocking, and design departments to facilitate the launch of a new store (Vienna)
  • Digital Inventory Management and Product Forecasting
  • Created a new organization system for marketing and sales documentation
  • Collaborated with floor managers at in-store locations to publish localized content on social media to drive store traffic

Customer Success Manager

Sharethrough Inc.
San Francisco
2015.12 - 2017.01
  • Managed 5-10 client native ad campaigns on the Sharethrough Ad Exchange platform
  • Set hyper-focused targeting (and retargeting) ad campaigns based on client’s defined ICPs
  • Ran A/B Test Ad Models
  • Copywriting client’s ads and native placements
  • Created unique ad creatives based on client’s ad-specs
  • Managed budget of client’s monthly ad spends
  • Ran pre-post surveys using Qualtrics to determine ad impact
  • Ran paid social campaigns for Sharethrough’s official page
  • Prepared & delivered ad performance reports (via infographics, QBRs, and/or CSVs)

Ad Operations Specialist

Sharethrough Inc.
San Francisco
2015.03 - 2015.12
  • Triage client requests to pass to solutions
  • Product/Platform expert for self-serve clients
  • Walked self-serve level client’s through platform requests
  • Created test ads on Sharethrough’s incumbent Ad Exchange platform for beta users


Master of Arts - International Business Management; Marketing

Fachhochschule Kärnten
Villach, Austria
2017.05 - 2019.05

Bachelor of Arts - Business Management; Marketing

San Francisco State University
2009.05 - 2013.05


Cross-functional team coordination



Marketing Leaders Circle Sourcebook 2022


Marketing Automation (Hubspot, Salesforce, Zapier)

ABM Tools (Rollworks, Demandbase, Drift)

Project Management (Trello, ClickUp, Whimsical)

Microsoft Office


Google Analytics



  • American Marketing Association
  • Marketing Leaders Circle
  • Trenches - B2B Marketing Community
  • Alpha Epsilon Pi


  • American Football (49ers)
  • Skiing & Snowboarding
  • Hiking
  • Biking
  • Football (Arsenal, PSG, Red Bull Salzburg)
  • F1
  • Reading
  • BBQing


Marketing Leaders Circle Sourcebook 2022


Senior Content & Digital Marketing Manager

Bitmovin Inc.
2021.12 - Current

Hubspot SEO Certification


Content & Digital Marketing Manager

Bitmovin Inc.
2021.03 - 2021.12

Digital Marketing Specialist

Bitmovin Inc.
2019.06 - 2021.03

Marketing Specialist

L’Occitane GmbH
2018.08 - 2018.11

Master of Arts - International Business Management; Marketing

Fachhochschule Kärnten
2017.05 - 2019.05

Customer Success Manager

Sharethrough Inc.
2015.12 - 2017.01

Ad Operations Specialist

Sharethrough Inc.
2015.03 - 2015.12

Bachelor of Arts - Business Management; Marketing

San Francisco State University
2009.05 - 2013.05
Joshua ShulmanSenior Marketing Manager