Work History
Patrick Batke

Patrick Batke


Experienced in full-stack development for cloud and on-site, I specialize in driving productivity through software solutions in various industries, focusing on user-friendly, scalable applications. Well-qualified Full Stack Developer familiar with wide range of programming utilities and languages. Knowledgeable of backend and frontend development requirements. Handles any part of process with ease. Collaborative team player with excellent technical abilities offering 7.5 years of related experience.


years of professional experience

Work History

Senior Fullstack Developer

2022.10 - Current
  • Developed PI+ (Passenger Information Plus) for Vienna's Next Generation Subway Trains: Played a key role in creating a secure and scalable passenger information system, now deployed in Vienna's latest subway trains.
  • Led API Integration for Wiener Linien: Spearheaded the integration of real-time data APIs for Wiener Linien, enhancing the city's public transportation system.
  • Full-Stack Development and Testing: Engaged in comprehensive frontend and backend development, debugging, and automation of tests using Java, Angular, and Python.
  • Integration Testing with Subway Components: Conducted thorough integration tests with actual subway components, including Trainservers, NT-Devices, and land-side servers, ensuring seamless interoperability.

Fullstack Developer

2021.10 - 2022.10
  • Developed a Web Application for Insurance Brokers: Created a comprehensive platform for insurance brokers to efficiently manage their customer portfolios using Kotlin, SpringBoot, React, and TypeScript. This full-stack project involved extensive debugging and testing to ensure reliability and performance.
  • OMDS 3.0 Data Integration: Enabled direct upload of OMDS 3.0 data, extracting policies, damage events, and commissions into sortable and filterable sections, ensuring seamless data management.
  • Enhanced Data Management: Provided detailed views and editing capabilities for datasets, ensuring accuracy and relevance, and allowing brokers to maintain up-to-date information.
  • Portfolio Growth Monitoring: Included a growth control section for monitoring portfolio growth over specified periods, enabling brokers to track and analyze their performance.
  • Customizable Dataset Tables and Views: Featured customizable dataset tables and views, allowing brokers to tailor information displays to their specific needs.
  • Accompanied by a Mobile App: Developed a React Native mobile app to complement the web application, providing brokers with convenient access to their portfolios on the go.

Fullstack Developer

Hexagon Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial
2019.06 - 2021.09
  • Developed GIS Platform M.App Enterprise: Contributed to the development of M.App Enterprise, introducing new features and maintaining releases using Java, SpringBoot, TypeScript, and React. This full-stack project involved comprehensive debugging and testing to ensure high quality and performance.
  • Served as Lead Developer for Geographic Data Styling Editor: Directed the creation of a geographic data styling editor with a live preview map, enabling users to set properties per OpenGIS specifications, enhancing user experience and data visualization capabilities.
  • Compliance with OpenGIS Specifications: Ensured that the geographic data styling editor adhered to OpenGIS specifications, maintaining industry standards and interoperability.

Fullstack Developer

Neuherz & Partner
2018.07 - 2019.04
  • Led Development of Packaging Design Workflow Application: Directed the development of a full-stack application to streamline packaging design workflows, facilitating manager feedback and approvals within the app. Utilized Java, SpringBoot, TypeScript, and Angular to build this robust solution. This project included comprehensive debugging and testing to ensure high quality and performance.
  • Developed Party Pretzel Configurator for Supermarket Chain: Created an innovative application for a supermarket chain to allow customers to configure and customize party pretzels, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction.


Associate of Science - Software Engineering

HTL Technical College Donaustadt, Vienna, Austria


  • Java
  • TypeScript
  • Kotlin
  • Python
  • Angular
  • React
  • Spring boot
  • SQL
  • Docker
  • GraphQL
  • Jenkins
  • Apache Kafka


  • Certified Professional for Software Architecture Foundation certification , iSAQB - 12.2023


Senior Fullstack Developer - OpenValue
2022.10 - Current
Fullstack Developer - Freelancer
2021.10 - 2022.10
Fullstack Developer - Hexagon Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial
2019.06 - 2021.09
Fullstack Developer - Neuherz & Partner
2018.07 - 2019.04
HTL Technical College Donaustadt - Associate of Science, Software Engineering
  • Certified Professional for Software Architecture Foundation certification , iSAQB - 12.2023
Patrick Batke